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Friday, February 26, 2010

American Bias, Morals & Black & White

Ethics are the embodiment of egotistical ignorance

A moralistic bettering of oneself is something that most humans of this pathetic planet can’t ever seem to achieve. Plainly speaking, I find that a lot of people have either screwed up their priorities, pissed off the world in some ruggedly handsome way (me eating pizza and watching Chris Brown beat up Rihanna was like dinner and a movie), pissed off everybody that matters in the world itself, pissed themselves off at themselves, attempted to commit suicide, taken on a viewpoint that just does NOT suit them, or otherwise somehow jacked up the already shit-eating outlook from them and/or everyone to themselves.

Morals are such an overrated concept it’s laughable. Everyday my Mother tells me “hold strong to your good morals, son. It’s what makes you a better person at heart.” Now, I’ve never asked her personally, but what are good morals, exactly? I remember one time I was running around different forums and shooting my mouth off to everyone that didn’t care, and I came across a question. This question, which I must say made me about pop a brain cortex, was as stated below:

“Why is everything in America either black or white?”

What the fuck?

This girl went on to give examples of what she meant.

In fact, here are her exact words as the opening post…

“As an american btw, this is really nauseating.

Its always:
good or evil
right or wrong
democrat or republican
capitalism or socialism
environmentalism or no ******** tree huggers whatsoever
athiest or christian
nice guys or assholes
taxes or no taxes
abortion or no abortion whatsoever
straight or gay
(men's rights)masochism vs female rights (misandry)

And yes it IS an American thing. It all leads back to the two-party bullshit system people cant stop whining over.

Or maybe its just because EDers tend to never get out?
If you really think everything is always what it seems, you probably don't know people. You probably dont have the experience to realize issues come in all different shades of gray.

If people dont reach some sort of middle ground on an issue... no compromise will ever be met EVER. There is always a reason to compromise. If you dont even try to understand the other person's view point, your argument and attempt to win someone over amounts to nothing. In the end both people amount to nothing but being squabbling toddlers.

Do you ever feel like the ED is full of toddlers?”

So basically, what I gathered from that particular speech was that every American (ONLY Americans, now) is a biased, one-sided pig that can’t figure out how to fix a problem because they are too fucking stupid to take on a different viewpoint for five seconds of their egotistical lives. Because, ya know, we’re just a bunch of shit heads right? We essentially are the most powerful country, even in a recession, and we’re just too pathetic, huh? I hope she realizes that being the most powerful country will definitely bring this shit. Every other country at some point in time wants to be like us (this isn’t true, because, ya know, all those foreigners crossing our borders every God damn day is just your eyes playing tricks on you), but we suck, right?
In Amerikkka, everyone is the best! Other ppls sux!

Okay, okay, so let’s say this IS true. Well, I disagree on the fact that it is an “American thing” as she so kindly put it. There is Black VS White all over the God damn world. This Hell on Earth we call life is just about as gray as a colorful rainbow. In fact, it’s so self-contradicting it makes me want to puke. And no, it isn’t ALWAYS black or white. There are plenty of people that try to compromise, and many actually succeed! Holy shit, surprise surprise! And ya know what? That’s not gray! That’s a black and a white coming to a happy medium to create a new white, and then being best friends! Neat-o, ain’t it?

I'm kind of young, so I might just be stupid. But I could have sworn that just like Black & White, you have to think of actions to equal and opposite reactions. Basically: I shoot you, I might get shot by your friend or put in prison for the rest of my life. Therefore, I FIGURATIVELY am dead… since unless I can escape Fort Knocks-style security, I’m gonna be in a tine little cell for the rest of my life. All the same, I just learned something. Albeit it was a stupid way to learn, I figured out that pew-pew to the little meat bag is a big no-no. So basically, when someone fights... they learn? NO WAY! Did you know that me and my Mother argue all the time, but we have a better relationship than ANY OTHER KID I KNOW? It’s amazing. And you know what? It’s because when we argue, we learn about each other.

Let me present a scenario.

5 points to whoever guesses the game!!! Teehee!
Good VS. Evil:
Good and evil fight, people die, cities burn, morals are challenged and a lot of other stuff goes down. Now, at the end of it all, what do we get? A lesson, and not just any lesson, but a lesson of what not to do next time. Because, you know, if we do it again we’re just dumbshits… it's kind of like if you punch someone in the face. Now, did you punch them in front of their homies or by themselves? If you did the first, you were pretty fucking stupid and got the shit kicked out of you. Next time you'll do it when s/he's alone, or not at all. Everything is black and white, simply because white has to learn from black just as much as it is the other way around. There is no mid-point. If a war breaks out that is big enough, EVERYONE will get dragged in at some point. Wars affect everyone. There is not gray. Have you EVER seen a gray? In the world wars, when slavery and discrimination were running rampant like a rabid cheetah, it took nukes and total repression of people like the Germans to finally end it.

Do you think that is grey? No, that’s called OUR white won, and THEIR white... or what we like to call “black”, or “evil” LOST. You cannot deny it. There is no such thing as compromise. It is impossible; Americans are not the only example of this. It's kind of like Iraq: Allah or bust. This is because you have to have two polar opposites, if one gains too much power or both "come together", the whole world gets tipped off balance and nothing makes sense anymore. And even if that does happen, I can bet you anything of any worth I own that SOMEONE in there will get pissed at the state of things and start a war all over again. Yes, it has always been and will always be black and white. That's just the nature of things. There is no such thing as “world peace”. I want to throw a knife at my TV whenever I see those stupid Miss America girls ask for world peace.

Honestly, I have to come out and say this: Good and Evil is pretty much a myth.
In lay-mans terms, it's a personal preference. What is, to me, a harmoniously benevolent act, could be, to you, an unspeakably horrible act. Good and Evil is an illusion. Just like time and the magic mirror house.
It's like how a serial killer thinks it's okay to kill, while the government thinks it’s wrong. But hey, guess what? No? No guess? Aww, Raou Raou is sad now. Okay, then let me clear the shit water for you.

The Anti-Christ: Adolf
The reason is because a MAJORITY calls it wrong. Let’s take it into a black/white perspective. And no, this has nothing to do with racism. Basically, when a killer kills someone, SO MANY people think “that’s a black thing to do”, or “that’s evil”, that we reprimand and punish them. But what if it were the other way around? I have the perfect example for you!

In WWII, when Hitler was attempting to extinct the Jews, killing was a very common everyday thing. Hitler said it was okay to kill Jews because they were like dirt. In that turn, killing Jews became a normal, everyday activity. It was practically a sport like basketball or soccer. And you know what? Hitler thought it was right. So many Nazis thought it was right. Plenty of not-Nazi Germans even thought so. Plenty of other people even thought it was okay (though outside of Germany, those types were a minority. Therefore, outside Germany and places like Auschwitz it was “black”). So guess what happens? It became “white”, or otherwise RIGHT to kill Jews… at least within Germany. So everyone did so freely.

Today, human life is so cherished by everyone, even Germans, that it is WRONG to kill… anyone. Killing is now black as a universal rule. Nobody likes killing, nobody likes dying, and just about everyone is afraid of death. And that is why it is black. Hitler was never in the position of a Jew, and that is why he thought it was white. We all have our outlooks on why it is wrong. The most common one is on how human life is precious. By the way, just how true is that statement? Haha, there’s a new article for another day.

In a situation of everyone being in between... that would be a stupid go nowhere situation. If everyone is in between, there are no sides, there was no war, there is now nothing to fight over, and everyone is just like "WTF?" So nothing will change, and everything will stay the same. Discovery comes from fighting, opposition; stupid people fighting so smart people can learn how to avoid future conflicts of such nature, and maybe find a new technology or whatever else in the midst of it all. New doors open when people attempt to close others and someone says "NO". It's like how the caveman discovered the first use for fire because a bear was attacking him, and he fought it off with the flaming tree branch. That's why there is always going to be a fight, because if there wasn't, nothing would ever change. Change is what makes the world go round, not money people.

Black & White are always bitchin each other out... wurd.
And just as I exemplified above, there never is a definitive good or evil side. What is good or evil on either side is the opposite on the other. Where there are two opposite extremes, many more parties with one or the other same ideal will be born. If not from those same two ideals, then a new party will be born that says "this" is good and "this" is evil and "you all are just fucking dumb." From then on, that new ideal may take over one or both, and then dominate as the new reigning white. A few years later, you can just BET that new black is gonna show up, and white’s gon be pushin spit and shit in blacks face n’ den sum shit gon be goin down in da hood. There is no real "judge" of good or evil, there is no mediator, ever. Everyone will always be slightly biased in some way, shape or form. It's human nature. We all have an opinion, just as I do now. What I'm saying now that makes perfect sense to me, to the next person might be just a bunch of rubbish.

Our morals are what first start black and white, because what one person’s morals say is white, others say is black. Morality is the root of all "black VS white". And when someone gives up their vision of white, they are simply putting themselves on hold until they wish to follow the next vision. What someone says is gray is actually white, because it is what they think is right. Even if you say "I'm in the middle", you're still following your own vision, which would be white because you say it is.
It's like how you think it's wrong to fight, or you don't want to fight, so you stay out of it. When someone says that's being gray. No, in actuality, that's just you choosing a new white.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Criticism, Who Matters & Stupid People

I find criticism to be a near-dead art. Some people are so stupid that it actually hurts my head thinking about how much brainpower it does NOT take to be such a moron. Honestly, who in their right mind can be so idiotic as to tell someone they did a “good job” when they clearly did not?

I speak for all the people out there that make mistakes, do stupid things, write bad reports, get horrible grades, or fail tests and their turn-around is “at least you tried” or “it was a good effort” or my personal favorite: “I’ll give it to you this time, but next time I expect better!”… and then they never get better. But why do they never get better? I’ll tell you why, I will tell you good.

It’s because no one ever tells them they did a bad job. When someone fucks up, you criticize them. If you don’t, they are most definitely going to fuck up again. Whether they screw the pooch in the same area, or just use the same tactic in another field, they will most definitely blow everything to hell in a fiery hell storm of failure and low efficiency. Humans are designed to suck at things. When you are born, you can’t do shit. All you can do is blabber nonsense, blow spit bubbles, crap yourself, eat and sleep. It’s the painful, burning, criticizing furnace of life that shapes the blade of a human body, mind and soul into a deadly weapon of practical use and deliverance. That’s why when someone completely defies this rule and plays the “nice” guy, I wanna shove my foot straight up their ass.

I get so pissed off and ridiculously steamed when I see someone screw up, and someone else tells them it’s okay. No, it’s NOT okay. I need to tell you it’s wrong, criticize you for your dumbass mistake, and hopefully next time you get it. If it was fucking okay, you wouldn’t be fucking up. You’d be doing the world a favor by knocking your mother’s fine china into a million infinitesimal pieces! If it was okay, I wouldn’t wanna slap you for doing something so stupid. Okay is getting a C. If you get an F, you “F”ucked Up. F stands for failure, fucked, flop, fold, forsake, foolish, fault, flunk. F does not stand for finished, flying colors, fulfill, fantastic, fantabulous.

What’s even worse is when someone else does bad, gets a small “it’s okay, just try harder next time”, and I get a huge kick in the ass for doing not as bad as that person, but still doing bad. I literally wanna take a hot soldering iron and shove it in their skull when someone does that to me. I’m not an angry person, but for God’s sake, get a friggin Phillips and screw your head on straight. Don’t criticize me and let a retard get away with it. Just because they are handicapped doesn’t mean we can’t attempt to help them out by telling them they did a no-no.

I can’t help but also explore the “who matters” of criticism. I walk around every day and see girls call themselves fat, ugly and stupid. Their boyfriends tell them otherwise, and they say “but you’re the only one that tells me that” or “but no one else thinks the same way”. Who gives a shit, seriously? Your boyfriend loves and respects you. Take the damn compliment, don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise, and stick your steel-toe drop kick that every girl seems to possess in the next guys crotch that does. You girls are NOT ugly if we are telling you so. We wouldn’t fucking date you if you were. I know, every guy “claims” they only care about the inside. But I swear to God, His Son, Allah, the Greek Deities and your Mother that when someone says that, they are lying out their ass.

Ya, sure, when you say “ugh, that girl is so damn ugly”, and someone dates them you THINK it’s because they only care about personality. No no no, this is not true. The reason is because what YOU think is hideous, someone ELSE thinks is fan-fucking-tastic. Ever heard of chubby chaser? I can’t understand how my friend can date a 250 pound girl, but he does, and he loves every second of it. We all have different opinions. Trying to get the whole worlds approval will kill you faster than it helps you. You’ll be dead before you fix your self esteem.

Something else I find absolutely perfect about external criticism is when some inbred jackass comes out of nowhere and ruins your day by calling you a dumb shit and you actually LET IT SINK IN! Okay, so really, you’re gonna let some random stranger ruin your entire personal profile on yourself? If even for a day? Well, then he was right, you really are stupid. I love it when someone says “Oh my GOD that guy was so stupid! LOL I can’t believe he was so fucking dumb to call me that. Hahaha, now I’m gonna act like a dick biting asshole for the rest of the day because he infuriates me… but he doesn’t matter.”

Okay, so if he doesn’t matter, why the fuck are you so pissed off about it? Ya, it’s because you do care what he says… you’re just too pussy and realize you’d be a retard to admit that fact.

The only people that matter in your life in the ways of criticizing words are your family and closest friends. This includes brothers & sisters, mothers & fathers (although this one is the be decided in some areas), your best friend of 10-30 years, your girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife and priests. Priests are the favored children of God, whatever they say matters. My Grandpa can contest to that one.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Washington & We're All Dead

I often find myself in a state of self-obsessed consciousness. I come to many points in my life where I must stop and smooth out the rough edges of my overall mentality. The reasons for this are simply that if I do not commit myself to such actions, I will most likely go fucking insane. Continuing from here on is one of those moments I recently came to.

Life has its perfect ways of really pissing you off, ya know? It’s like when you go to school, High School, College or otherwise, and you need that really shiny A in a certain class. To get that A, you gotta get, at the very least, 80% on that test. So what happens? You get 79.50%. Mr. Asshole is a bastard, so he won’t pump you up half a point.

I just got back from Washington, and had the best time of my life in the short four days I was there. I finally got to meet this amazing girl. She made me happy, and in more ways than one. I pretty much have never felt that way in my whole life. My Mother decided we are going to move up there, one way or another. She’s doing this for more than one reason, too. Out of all the reasons, the funniest was that she wanted to prove her boyfriend wrong, because he thinks she can’t pull it off. I seriously had to hold back my laughter, and with a face that was straight like a blade. I swear, I could be an actor.

Well, I had so much fun up there that I did not want to leave. We were staying in a motel, a nice one, for $44 dollars a night. You’d think it would be a rundown piece of shit for that little, but it was actually a hell of a decent room, I swear. I got to see her for 3-5 hours every day, and they were the best times out of the whole entire day. I felt loved, happy, and smiled so much my face was gonna break anytime soon. When I had to leave, I was very, very sad. It sucked. And I'm pretty sure I'm being taunted with joyful images of being with her again.

Now I get the untimely joy of fighting to get me and my Mom up there so we can settle our asses down for good and be happy happy joy joy about everything. It pisses me off that we can’t just GO, but I suppose that would be a dumb idea since we don’t have any money at this time.

I literally sit down sometimes and ask myself what the hell is the point of all this. There doesn’t seem to be one. No matter how many times I turn my head left, right, up, down, forward, backward or every direction in between those, I see no end result that will come to be a good one.

Before I continue, think about this: “Don’t take life so seriously. No one gets out alive anyways.” I can’t remember where I got that, probably somewhere on the web, but I know it’s the most truthful thing I’ve ever had the honest displeasure of reading. No shit, the moment I read that, I thought to myself “Aw, fuck. That’s right, I’m gonna die eventually anyways.”

So, if everyone is gonna die, why do we fight so hard to live? Seriously, think about it, what is coming of our actions as we live our lives? I sit here and write to you, in the hopes of you taking my blog, website, or whatever the hell this particular article lands on into serious consideration of adding it to your bookmarks. But why? Yes, I would like to pass my ideals on to the masses. Yes, I would like to earn a few bucks from you clicking those ads on the right side of the screen. I would most definitely love it if a writer noticed this page and decided “this guys got a head on his shoulders worth looking into!” But what the hell is the point?

I’m 16, and I’ve already realized a few things that most people I talk to, my age or 20 years older, have not come to understand.

1. Everything we do is in vain. When death comes, it’ll all be useless.
2. The more you fight it, the closer you get to kicking the bucket.
3. Taking everything so seriously actually kills you faster (stress is a demon, I swear).
4. Every time I tap my fingers on my keyboard, I wear my muscles down further by an extremely minuscule amount. This in turn brings me closer to breaking.
5. Every breath I take wears my lungs down just a little more.
6. A lot of people might not even give a damn about what I’m saying right now.

Oh, and this doesn’t even cover everything. Getting a little scared yet? I am too. So I seriously am gonna stop now. But don’t worry; we’ll be back for more at a later date. I promise.